New Beginnings

A New Year is here! There’s so much I want to do this year, so much to experience, to finally catch up on and manifest. I’m tickled pink just thinking about it! And, at the same time, a little overwhelmed. Because there is so much on my neatly fountain pen calligraphed to-do list and I am a little nervous that it won’t all get done the way I envisioned it. And as the days and then weeks in the New Year start to go by, I feel a bit stressed. There’s a singe of pressure. Disappointment threatens to creep in, telling me I’m just not crossing off items fast enough. Shoot. This was meant to inspire me, not weigh me down.

So I go back to that feeling of a Fresh Start at the beginning of the New Year and have a good look at it. What it is that feels so seductive about that time? What makes it such a ripe time for promises and great plans? Why is that day a do-over? Yes, a digit has changed at the top of our calendars but we all know that come January 1st we tie our shoes and brush our teeth the same as we did on December 31st, a day earlier, so clearly the Earth has not changed its orbit nor have we grown any super powers. Yet there’s such hope; A clean slate; a chance to start fresh.

I boldly decide that this can be duplicated at any time of the year. That’s right! I’m re-claiming my power Rebel Style; I can have a Do-Over any month, day or hour that I want. And I am eliminating the Voices of Stress by giving myself permission to grab that fountain pen any time I want to, whenever I feel called to edit my to-do list in such a way that it’s a really good fit for my Ever Changing Life.
Happy New Year? How about Happy New Day!! My Fresh New Start begins at this very moment, and it’s all mine to design the way that suits me Now.